Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

*Countable nouns are things which we can count as follows:
-orange       apple       book       door       ball  etc..... . 

-We can add 's' for singular nouns to be a plural noun.
-We can put numbers before countable nouns.
-We can put a/an before singular countable noun.But we can't put a/an before plural nouns.

EX:I ate an apple.
EX:I ate two apples.
EX:I read books
EX:I read a books.(false)

*Uncountable nouns are things which we can't count as follows:

-rice        water         juice     sugar       salt        oil      etc... .

-We can't make a plural or change their form.(we can't add 's'.)
-We use a singular verb with them.
-We can't use numbers with uncountable nouns.

EX:I drank tea.Not a tea.
EX:Coffee is my favourite drink.Not coffee are.
EX:He drank two waters.(false)

*Note that we can count uncountable nouns when we put them in containers as follows:

EX:I drank two bottles of water. 
EX:I bought four kilos of meat.
EX:I have three bags of rice.
EX:I bough two cartons of milk.

*There are some nouns that are always uncountable:
-Subjects  :Arabic-English-history-geograpghy-maths.
-Materials :wood-plastic-metal-cloth.
-Liquids    :water-gas-petrol-milk-tea-coffee
-Gases      :air-oxygen-carbon dioxide-nitrogen
-Activities :swimming-football-basketball-tennis 
-Abstract nouns:happiness-love-freedom-peace.

-There are a lot of other nouns which we can't count.You must use a good dictionary to know more .

*There are nouns that can be countable or uncountable.
-hair-paper-light-cheese-coffee-tea ..... etc.

EX:Coffee is my favourite drink.(Unc)
EX:I would like two coffees and two teas.(C)
EX:There is a hair in my food.(C)
EX:She has a long hair.(Unc)
EX:Can you give me some paper?(Unc)
EX:I bought 10 papers(newspapers) yesterday.(C)
EX:This shop has a lot of cheeses.(C)I mean different kinds of cheese.
EX:This room has two lights(bulbs)(C)
EX:The house is full of light.(Unc)

*The nouns that end in (ics) is uncountable:

*Note:You must use a good dictionary to know everything and you must use good books because English is different from other languages.There are some nouns which are countable in English but uncountable in other languages.


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