The uses of 'should'
EX:The teacher should be kind to his students or pupils.But some aren't.
EX:Children shouldn't waste their parent's money.But many do.
-It refers to an action that we are sure will happen because of our knowledge about a situation, a person,and so on.
EX:We should reach the airport in about twenty minutes.The road is not crowded.I repeated this trip many times so I know the distance well.
*An expectation also refers to a condition that we are sure will happen as a result of something:
EX:She should be ill tomorrow.(He ate a lot of eggs and meat.He also drank four glasses of wine
When you want to give advice,you express your opinion.The others either agree or not.
EX:You should put litter in a bin.
EX:You should see a doctor.(I see he is very tired all day)
EX:You shouldn't eat too many sweets. (I know they are harmful.)
Note:(Should +have +p.p) is used to express advice,expectation or obligation in the past:

EX:You should have studied hard.(Advice).It means that he didn't study and failed the exam.
EX:We should have arrived at the airport twenty minutes ago.
(Expectation).He expected to reach earlier but he reached late.
EX:You should have voted in the election.(Obligation).He didn't vote in the election.
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